Zoe Nicole Giosa-Hirsch

Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicità

Un grande autore, forte e melodico che capisce l'importanza della sincerità e dell'emozione nel pop.

Cosa c'è dietro la musica

As a strong, melodic topline writer, Zoe Nicole Giosa-Hirsch understands the importance of honesty, emotion and narrative in pop songwriting. Educated at the California Institute of the Arts, the LA-born singer/songwriter applies this knowledge in projects with an array of Billboard-charting independent artists and producers, as well as alongside producer Jordan Sherman, her collaborator in the duo Lennox Hale.

As a strong, melodic topline writer, LA-born singer/songwriter Zoe Nicole Giosa-Hirsch understands the importance of honesty, emotion and narrative in pop songwriting.
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