Yulan Feze

Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicità

A rapper, singer-songwriter, producer and sound engineer who blends multiple musical influences.

Cosa c'è dietro la musica

Paris-born, with roots in Cameroon and Martinique, Rapper, singer-songwriter, producer and sound engineer Yulan is known for his versatility and capacity to blend multiple musical influences and flows. Yulan deconstructs traditional rap by adding more futuristic sounds, including trap, jazz and R&B. Having also worked with artists including Stavo, LaFleyne, Daigo, Laskizz and Secri, Yulan is building his artistic career using skills gained as a successful producer and sound engineer.

A rapper, singer-songwriter, producer & sound engineer known for his versatility & capacity to blend multiple musical influences, deconstructing traditional rap by adding sounds like trap, jazz & R&B.
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