Tom Gleeson

Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicità

Musicista, compositore e produttore poliedrico, attualmente in tour con Feeder

Cosa c'è dietro la musica

Songwriter, musician, and producer Tom Gleeson has spent his entire life playing music. He started drumming at four, took up guitar at nine, formed his first band at twelve, and signed his first record deal at sixteen. The former front-man of Kerrang! Award winners Slaves To Gravity also tours as a live session guitarist with BritRock legends Feeder. He credits his varied roles and success in music for providing him with talented producers, engineers, and writers from which to learn. When not touring, Tom spends time in his North London studio with up and coming artists, co-writing and producing records, as well as writing music for film and television, having landed work on Sky TV and the BBC.

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