Sunna Wehrmeijer

Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicità

Compositrice nominata agli Emmy per il cinema, la TV e i blockbuster per Hollywood

Cosa c'è dietro la musica

Drawn by a need to tell cinematic stories with her music, Netherlands-born composer Sunna Wehrmeijer eventually made her way to Hollywood. Starting piano at four, her original work was published in the Netherlands by the age of fifteen. The pull of Hollywood scores brought her to Los Angeles. Having completed a Master’s of Arts degree at the University of Amsterdam and the School of Art, Sunna joined the UCLA Extension Film Scoring Program. Her voice — used in James Newton Howard’s score — is closely associated with the Hunger Games’ lead character of Katniss Everdeen. Her music can also be heard in Robin Hood, Prometheus, and The Grey. Her composition for the Make a Statement commercial earned her an Emmy nomination.

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