Simon Bates
Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicitàBrani più recenti
Piccadilly StrutSimon Bates | Paul Michael Harris Bobby CharlestonSimon Bates | Paul Michael Harris Broadway TootingSimon Bates | Paul Michael Harris Arnos GrooveSimon Bates | Paul Michael Harris Barking MadSimon Bates | Paul Michael Harris
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Cosa c'è dietro la musica
You have to be mighty impressive on your instrument for the Royal Marines to ask you to become their Professor of Saxophone, and Simon Bates is just that. Simon first studied violin, and then clarinet, but when he took up the saxophone, that’s when the magic happened. Even at just fourteen, he started to line up paying gigs. Throughout his career, he has performed live or recorded with diverse musical royalty including Kylie Minogue, Elvis Costello, Jamie Cullum, Lulu, The Sugarhill Gang, Chaka Khan, Emma Bunton, and Seal. Stepping beyond the saxophone, Simon has led many TV bands, including the 9 piece band on the Johnny Vaughan Tonight Show and worked as musical director for both Rick Astley and Bette Midler.
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