Shahbaz Hussain

Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicità

One of Europe’s finest tabla players, Shahbaz Hussain has an eclectic, versatile style.

Cosa c'è dietro la musica

Shahbaz Hussain is one of Europe’s finest tabla players. First studying under his father, the vocalist Ustad Mumtaz Hussain, he went on to learn from various gurus - the Delhi gharana’s Ustad Faiyaz Khan, and the Punjab gharana’s Ustad Shaukat Hussain Khan and Ustad Allah Rakha. He has developed an eclectic and versatile style, leading the fusion group Indus, as well as accompanying touring classical artists. Shahbaz is also a tabla teacher across the North of England.

Shahbaz Hussain is one of Europe’s finest tabla players. His style is eclectic and versatile, leading the fusion group Indus and he also accompanies touring classical artists.
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