High-quality Sheffield synth pop in the tradition of The Human League and LFO
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From A Window is a synth pop/electronic band from Sheffield with members Sarah MacDonald on lead vocals and synths, Richard Lacy on synths, and Marc Hoad on drums and synth. Sarah starts the songwriting process on her old, family upright piano to set a haunting, thoughtful mood. They next accompany these passionate lyrics with what they refer to as dreamy electronica with razor sharp edges. From A Window delivers the high-quality synth pop to be expected from a Sheffield group, continuing the musical traditions of bands like The Human League and LFO. Innovative and atmospheric, From A Window leads the charge of synth pop and continues to grow their global audience.
From A Window delivers the high-quality synth pop to be expected from a Sheffield group, continuing the musical traditions of bands like The Human League and LFO.
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