Rosie Doonan
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Cosa c'è dietro la musica
Music may very well be in Wakefield native Rosie Doonan’s genes. Rosie’s grandfather John was a world renowned piccoloist and her father Mick Doonan was a founding member of Hedgehog Pie and eventually The Mighty Doonans, a family folk band which counted both Rosie and her younger sister Frances as members. Rosie took to studying instruments at a young age and, in addition to her voice, has become an expert on piano, guitar, bass, saxophone, and tenor saxophone. Rosie has toured with both Peter Gabriel and Birdy and released solo work, both as herself as well as boogie-woogie alter-ego Cissie Redgwick. Rosie won a Radio 2 folk award for her album with friend and fellow songsmith Ben Murray entitled ""Mill Lane.”
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