Esperto compositore jazz e classico per il cinema e la televisione
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Paul Mottram’s composing catalogue is as thick as his sound is layered… and Paul has quite the catalogue. A classically-trained violinist, pianist, and composer, Paul studied at the Royal College of Music, Cambridge University, and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. Beyond his classical knowledge, Paul is equally adept at jazz and concert music. A combination of these talents brought Paul to film, where he orchestrated on Chaplin, Shirley Valentine, and Rain Man. Orchestration shifted to composing and Paul’s tracks quickly populated commercials as well as notable TV hits like The Great British Bake Off, QI, and Downton Abbey. Paul is also a music consultant and founding shareholder in Audio Network. We trust him thoroughly with music and so should you.
I brani di Paul hanno rapidamente popolato spot pubblicitari e importanti successi televisivi come The Great British Bake Off, QI e Downton Abbey.
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