Harry The Piano
Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicitàTalento e creatività mozzafiato si combinano in un pianista estremamente dotato
Brani più recenti
Lunar ModulationPaul Michael Harris Musique De NuitPaul Michael Harris Crystal WavesPaul Michael Harris I Belong HerePaul Michael Harris Sombre DelightPaul Michael Harris
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Cosa c'è dietro la musica
We're sure to his family, he’s known as Paul Michael Harris, but to the rest of the known world, he’s “Harry the Piano.” A true virtuoso on the instrument, Harry has performed to sold-out audiences, backed up notable names like David Bowie and Charlotte Church, resided on the keys for Channel 4's Big Breakfast, and led the band on Johnny Vaughan Tonight on BBC1. His ability to play absolutely anything on the piano, such as Michael Jackson in the style of Mozart, and extemporaneously at that, dovetails into an ability to also compose absolutely anything. Harry’s wealth of songs (and juxtapositions) is bottomless. His inventive spirit and playfulness led to him being hailed as “The New Victor Borge.”
Musica eccezionale a portata di mano
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