Niall Galvin

Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicità

A successful songwriter whose accessible melodies make him a TV and ad brand favourite.

Cosa c'è dietro la musica

Niall Galvin landed a record deal with Virgin EMI during his early twenties. He has toured globally, playing sell-out headline shows from London to Tokyo and his music continues to rack up millions of streams. Niall has landed multiple sync placements for ads, TV and video games including Marc Jacobs, H&M, Panasonic, Made in Chelsea and Guitar Hero. Niall focuses primarily on accessible melodies – satisfying, familiar riffs that are often quite simple but develop the more you listen to them.

Niall’s sync placements for ads, TV and video games include Marc Jacobs, H&M, Panasonic, Made in Chelsea and Guitar Hero. His accessible melodies with satisfying riffs develop with repeat listens.
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