Molly Moore
Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicitàLA-based singer, songwriter and producer, with powerful vocals and introspective lyricism.
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Cosa c'è dietro la musica
New York native Molly Moore is a singer, songwriter and producer based in Los Angeles. Inspired by strong female artists like Aretha Franklin, Alanis Morissette, Beyonce and Gwen Stefani, Moore leans into her powerful vocal prowess and introspective lyricism alongside lush musical landscapes. Molly began pursuing her career as a songwriter in LA releasing music independently, receiving strong support from Spotify and Apple Music, resulting in her first single going viral and charting in many territories. While carving out a career as a solo artist, Moore is also half of progressive pop duo Cosmos & Creature with EMAN8 (Brandyn Burnette). Now at the forefront of the independent music scene, Molly aims to be a strong voice for female entrepreneurs and her community, as well as herself.
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