Michael Tedstone
Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicitàFusion da tutto il mondo con diverse influenze: dalle melodie cinesi ai reel scozzesi.
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ShapesMichael Tedstone | Paul Clarvis Perfect ChaosMichael Tedstone | Paul Clarvis Followed InstructionsMichael Tedstone | Paul Clarvis Fear Of SpidersMichael Tedstone | Paul Clarvis Dream Out LoudMichael Tedstone | Paul Clarvis
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Cosa c'è dietro la musica
Sibling composing and songwriting duo Maryann and Michael Tedstone jointly write under the name Manike. While Maryann attended the Guildhall School of Music in London, Michael attended Alchemea College of Sound Engineering. Both have a Master's degree in songwriting from Bath Spa University. Their scores, ranging from pop to classical, have supported products as well as films. Maryanne and Michael have worked with such renowned companies as the BBC, Channel4, Royal Shakespeare Company and product lines ranging from Nissan and Pepsi to Nike and Barclays. The Manike studio is based in the Leicester cultural corner and it is there that the siblings compose timeless, original works that harken back to forgotten times without losing a connection to the modern day.
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