Matthew Taylor

Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicità

The Natrolites mix 80s-based funk with an energetic indie/alternative twist.

Cosa c'è dietro la musica

The Natrolites are a group of musicians that have been friends and bandmates since high school. The band consists of lead singer/guitarist and keyboardist, Matt Taylor, drummer Dan Nicoletti, and bassist Dan Risi. The band’s music is a mixture of 80s-based funk with an energetic indie/alternative twist that keeps the audience on their feet. 2017 saw the release of their self-produced EP 'Paint me a Picture', and they also won the John Lennon songwriting contest in the electronic category for their song ‘Live to Love’. The band live in Canada, but have spent a lot of time recording and playing in both New York City and Los Angeles.

The band mix 80s-based funk with an energetic indie/alternative twist. They’ve released a self-produced EP, 'Paint Me a Picture', & ‘Live to Love’ won the John Lennon songwriting contest (electronic).
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