Martin Williams

Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicità

A saxophonist with the BBC Big Band and a writer/arranger for concerts, TV and library music.

Cosa c'è dietro la musica

Martin Williams studied jazz and saxophone at Florida International University, and composition and orchestration at the Royal College of Music. As a member of the BBC Big Band, he has featured in hundreds of broadcasts on BBC Radio 2’s Big Band Special. Martin has played on over 200 studio albums; over 200 television shows; over 1,000 BBC Radio broadcasts, together with multiple Grammy and Oscar-winning recordings. In 2010 he received a Grammy nomination for his participation in Jessye Norman’s album Roots: My Life, My Song. Martin’s career has also seen him be a prolific writer and arranger for concerts, broadcast, television and library music.

Saxophonist and woodwind expert Martin Williams plays with the BBC Big Band, and is a prolific writer and arranger for concerts, broadcast, television and library music.
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