Martin John Owen

Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicità

Martin Owen is widely regarded as one of Europe's leading horn players.

Cosa c'è dietro la musica

Martin Owen is widely regarded as one of Europe's leading horn players, appearing as soloist and chamber musician all over the world. Martin currently holds the position of Principal Horn at the BBC Symphony Orchestra, having previously served as Principal Horn of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and the Berliner Philharmoniker. He is also Principal Horn in the UK’s Britten Sinfonia and Haffner Ensemble. Martin has performed on over 300 movie soundtracks to date, including blockbuster franchises James Bond, Star Wars, Harry Potter and Pirates of the Caribbean.

Martin has performed on over 300 movie soundtracks to date, including blockbuster franchises James Bond, Star Wars, Harry Potter and Pirates of the Caribbean.
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