Marc Jackson Burrows

Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicità

Produttore e remixer prolifico che ha rivisitato brani di moltissime star

Cosa c'è dietro la musica

Marc Jackson Burrows (Marc JB) started out playing thrash guitar in underground clubs, before becoming the accomplished multi-instrumentalist he is today. When he was introduced to Lee Dagger, the production team of “Bimbo Jones” was born. Together, they have become one of the most prolific remix & productions teams in the world and reworked the likes of Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Pink, Ke$ha, Kylie, Kelis, The Killers, Tinchy Stryder, Katy Perry, and Alexis Jordan, to name a few, and garnered over 70 Club Chart # 1’s across the US and UK. They also co-produced “Bon Tempo” with Latino legend Sergio Mendes which won a 2010 Latin Grammy.

Bimbo Jones have garnered over 70 Club Chart #1's across the US and UK.
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