Laura Karpman

Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicità

Laura Karpman creates powerful, imaginative scores that push the boundaries of storytelling.

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Cosa c'è dietro la musica

A bold, incandescent talent, composer Laura Karpman creates powerful, imaginative scores that push the boundaries of storytelling. Her award-winning music – spanning film, television, theatre, interactive media and live performance – reflects an audaciously creative, prodigious, fresh spirit. A five-time Emmy winner, Karpman’s previous commissions include scores for Marvel, Steven Spielberg, Eleanor, Francis Ford and Sofia Coppola. Across concert halls, Karpman is well known for her Grammy award-winning album, Ask Your Mama, a multimedia opera based on the iconic cycle of poems by Langston Hughes. Karpman is a fierce champion for inclusion in Hollywood. After founding the Alliance for Women Film Composers, Karpman became the first American woman composer inducted in the music branch of the Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences, and was subsequently elected to be the first female governor of the music branch.

Laura Karpman creates powerful, imaginative scores that push the boundaries of storytelling. A five-time Emmy winner, her previous work includes scores for Marvel, Steven Spielberg, and Sofia Coppola.
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