Kevin Riepl

Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicità

Kevin Riepl is an award-winning composer writing across multiple entertainment genres.

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Cosa c'è dietro la musica

Kevin Riepl is an award-winning composer writing across multiple entertainment genres. Thanks to his long collaboration with Warner Bros. Animation, Kevin’s musical voice is synonymous with many of the films in the DC Animated Universe, but his engaging hybrid scores have enhanced numerous films, TV shows and video games. In addition to working on his own projects, Kevin has contributed to such scores as Lorne Balfe’s Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part 1, Black Adam and Ghosted. Also renowned for composing the epic, signature score for the blockbuster video game Gears of War, Kevin has written music for numerous other game titles including Battleborn, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Crackdown 2 and more.

In addition to working on his own projects, Kevin has contributed to such scores as Lorne Balfe’s Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part 1, Black Adam and Ghosted.
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