Joe Henson
Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicitàVincitori del premio Ivor Novello, che collaborano dalla musica ai videogiochi e alla TV
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Cosa c'è dietro la musica
Ivor Novello award-winning duo Joe Henson and Alexis Smith began collaborating in 2005 when they co-produced an album for Joe’s band Seventhsun. After realising they had a similar approach to life and wildly divergent musical tastes, they formed a creative partnership that quickly encompassed songwriting, production, and composition. The duo have worked with some of the biggest names in the music industry as well as being A-list composers for video games. 2014 saw the release of hit survival horror title Alien: Isolation, and they followed this up with 2017's Horizon: Zero Dawn, the Playstation 4's biggest selling new IP to date and Assassin's Creed Odyssey. The Flight’s television projects include the BAFTA nominated BBC documentary series Drugsland, and Kids on the Edge, produced for Channel 4 by Century Films.
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