Jeremy Strother

Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicità

La musica del musicista-cantautore unisce narrazione e voce appassionata

Cosa c'è dietro la musica

Blending alt-country, rock ‘n’ roll and bohemian blues, Sydney duo Racing Birds evoke the sights and sounds of a late-night drive through Southern California in 1969. The band is composed of Jeremy Strother and Bobbie Lee Stamper, two experienced musicians and songwriters who have toured, recorded and performed with many noted artists across the US and Australia. Produced and recorded by guitarist Bobbie, Racing Birds’ music has a raw, captivating edge, accentuated by Jeremy’s passionate and honest vocals.

Blending Alt-Country, Rock & Roll and Bohemian Blues, musicians and songwriters Jeremy Strother and Bobbie Lee Stamper’s storytelling music has a raw edge, combined with passionate, honest vocals.
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