Jeff Dale

Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicità

Vanta moltissime collaborazioni, tra cui molte nel mondo della TV

Cosa c'è dietro la musica

Jeff Dale spent his teenage years balancing the stage and the classroom — playing guitar in a Punk/Dub band while devoting time to the study of music and music technology, eventually earning a BA (Hons) in Popular Music Production. He gained additional practical creative and technical experience in the studio, working with a number of artists including Lacuna Coil for BBC Radio 2XS. Jeff has also performed with a diverse range of groups including Mukti, a Hindustani Classical ensemble. Recent credits include Sky Sports, BBC, Channel 4, CNN, Discovery Channel, Food Network, MTV, National Geographic, Sky News, The History Channel, and M&Ms Australia. An avid collaborator, Jeff has partnered with multiple composers to create a diverse portfolio of work.

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