Composizioni guidate dall'amore per il cinema e la televisione
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Faversham composer James Pickering has a broad range of musical styles, honed with his work as part of production team Cookie Jar. Even with a near two decades of performance and practice to draw inspiration from, James is always experimenting, looking for a fresh flair or flavour to push his songs in exciting new directions. While his output with Cookie Jar is honeyed and spiritual, his individual compositions can dip into sweeping and epic territory. At the heart of his sound, a love of film and television drives his creative works and he has fulfilled some of his dreams by contributing to the BBC, as well as feature films “Hello Carter” and “Stonebridge.”
Sperimenta sempre, alla ricerca di un tocco o di un sapore nuovo per spingere le sue canzoni in nuove direzioni. L'amore per il cinema e la tv guida i lavori creativi del compositore James Pickering.
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