Compositore, direttore d'orchestra e orchestratore che dà vita a molteplici mondi diversi
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From prehistoric lands to those of Gotham, from orchestral to intimate and personal, James Brett has created the score to bring multifarious worlds to life. James, a graduate of The Royal Academy of Music, continued his growth as a composer collaborating with Michael Kamen on features including The Iron Giant, What Dreams May Come, as well as the Stephen Spielberg mini-series Band of Brothers. His work as composer, conductor, and orchestrator has frequently paired him with director Roland Emmerich. The ability to pair disparate worlds came in handy in helping mastermind the pairing of Metallica and the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra as assistant Musical Director. His work breathed life into Walking with Dinosaurs and Batman Live arena shows.
From prehistoric lands to those of Gotham, from orchestral to intimate and personal, James Brett has created the score to bring multifarious worlds to life.
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