James Banbury
Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicitàArranger, programmer and engineer for television and global ad campaigns
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Cosa c'è dietro la musica
James Banbury has over two decades of experience in the music industry. He performed as cellist and keyboard player for indie band The Auteurs and moonlighted as a session cellist for a variety of other bands. His string and orchestral arrangements include the 2011 remix of 'Personal Jesus' by Depeche Mode, 'Chasing Cars' and 'Run' by Snow Patrol and 'The Original of The Species' by U2. James is also one-third of the group Blood Wine or Honey. He partnered with Pete Davis to form Dadahack, an electronic music and design group. The pair also went on to create music through their joint company Component. Within a year of operation, Component created the music in campaigns for Cathay Pacific, Head & Shoulders, Tropicana and Marriott. James is a sought-after arranger, programmer and engineer and has also produced music for television.
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