Jack Baker

Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicità

Batterista di Bonobo oltre a produttore ed autore, con clienti come Vogue, Dior, Red Stripe e Miller

Cosa c'è dietro la musica

Jack Baker is an internationally renowned drummer, record producer and songwriter from London, UK. Known as an exceptionally gifted live performer, as the rhythmic bedrock of Grammy-nominated electronic live act Bonobo, Jack has spent the past decade touring and headlining festivals around the globe. When he’s not playing live, Jack has his own recording studio in London, where he offers in-house production and online recording sessions, plus he’s a prolific writer and producer, with an uncanny knack for coming up with a hook. He’s masterminded music for clients as diverse as Vogue and Dior, Red Stripe and Miller, turning his hand to everything from full-scale brass ensembles to glitchy electronic grooves.

Il rinomato batterista dei Bonobo è anche un produttore e autore di canzoni, la cui straordinaria abilità per motivi orecchiabili gli ha aperto collaborazioni come Vogue, Dior, Red Stripe e Miller.
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