David Kelly

Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicità

Composer, artist and producer whose style ranges from orchestral to electronic.

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Cosa c'è dietro la musica

David Kelly studied composition at the Royal College of Music and won an Organ Scholarship to Oxford University, where he was awarded an MA in Music. He has composed music for commercials, soundtracks and multimedia applications and writes in a variety of styles ranging from orchestral to electronic. As an artist and producer, he has achieved platinum status with the electronic project LCD, written the title music for the FA Premier League and the soundtracks to many TV commercials, including Muller, Aldi, Durex and Scholl. As a composer of orchestral and choral music, he has had the privilege of recording with some of the world’s best musicians at Abbey Road, Air and Angel studios.

David’s work covers everything from orchestral to electronic, featuring on soundtracks, commercials and multimedia, the title music for the FA Premier League and brands such as Muller and Aldi.
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