Black Milk

Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicità

Genio di Detroit, virtuoso multigenere, produttore, rapper e performer

Cosa c'è dietro la musica

Motor City mastermind, producer, rapper, and performer Curtis Eugene Cross aka Black Milk peppers airy vibes with contrastingly heavy lyrics. A multi-genre virtuoso, Black Milk is comfortable with both brass and bass, knowing when to hit it hard and when to keep it mellow. The Detroit rapper and songwriter dropped six solo rap albums, an instrumental album, and two singles with Jack White of the White Stripes, all while continually producing for his label Computer Ugly. Black Milk consistently delivers live and on record. Not constrained to any one style, Black Milk also put out “The Rebellion Sessions,” a live instrumental jazz/soul album with his touring band Nat Turner as yet another display of his broad musical reach.

Motor City mastermind, producer, rapper, and performer Curtis Eugene Cross aka Black Milk peppers airy vibes with contrastingly heavy lyrics.
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