Cahir O'Doherty
Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicitàPolistrumentista e autore per moltissimi gruppi rock
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It's All For SaleCahir O'Doherty SilverCahir O'Doherty Love SickCahir O'Doherty We Don't Need ThisCahir O'Doherty Start RunningCahir O'Doherty
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Cosa c'è dietro la musica
A multi-instrumentalist musician and songwriter, Cahir O’Doherty has contributed everything from vocals and guitar to bagpipes for an array of rock bands. As lead singer and guitarist of Derry’s rock three-piece Fighting with Wire, he toured extensively, in addition to many festival appearances, and played with bands including Supergrass, Metallica, and Linkin Park. Fighting with Wire counted amongst their influences grunge and punk staples like Fugazi, Nirvana, and Weezer. Outside of FWW, Cahir has also performed with Frank Turner, LaFaro, and Jetplane Landing. Beyond his musicianship, Cahir actively works to develop emerging young bands as a mentor. As someone who believes the sound is far superior to the look of a band, they’re in good hands.
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