Benjamin Epand

Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicità

A producer and songwriter whose work is synced on film, TV, video games and ads.

Cosa c'è dietro la musica

Benjamin Epand is a Los Angeles-based producer, songwriter, and mixer. His most recent collaborations include Young Bombs, Don Diablo, Jamie N Commons, DAWN and Madison Love. Epand has also made a name for himself in sync, having had multiple placements in film, TV, video games and advertisements. As one half of the alt-pop duo KidEyes, Epand is a skilled live performer and music director who has gained attention from KROQ, NPR, Live Nation, Spotify, Apple Music and School Night. Next up for Epand is the Good Man Down EP, a collaboration project with solo artist and long-time writing partner, KONG.

A producer, songwriter, performer, music director and mixer who’s collaborated with Young Bombs and Madison Love. Half of alt-pop duo KidEyes, he’s also synced on film, TV, video games and ads.
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