Benjamin Corbett

Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicità

Sydney-based multi-instrumentalist. Songwriter, musician and engineer for films and documentaries.

Cosa c'è dietro la musica

Benjamin Corbett is a multi-instrumentalist from Sydney, Australia. He has worked as a musical director and session musician with artists including John Butler Trio, Ben Lee, Lisa Mitchell, Meg Mac, RUEL, Lenka, Vera Blue, Thelma Plum, Gordi, Odette, Montaigne, Dustin Tebbutt and many more. Ben also has a solo project under the pseudonym Half Speed and was a songwriter for the Aria Award-winning, Australian Music Prize finalist and 5-time Golden Guitar award-winning album Fallow by Fanny Lumsden in 2021. He was a contributing musician and engineer on the film Plan B (2021). Ben and John Vella have worked together on many exciting projects and most notably, scored the documentary Tall Poppy: A Skater's Story in 2021 which was supported by Screen Australia and aired on the ABC.

Benjamin Corbett is a multi-instrumentalist from Sydney, Australia. He has worked as a musical director and session musician, and as a songwriter and musician and engineer for films and documentaries.
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