Andrew Cottee

Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicità

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Cosa c'è dietro la musica

After graduating with first class honours from the Royal College of Music, Andrew Cottee performed as a percussionist with the London Symphony Orchestra, London Sinfonietta, and BBC Big Band. It was at this time that Andrew started writing and arranging, with an eye on the golden age of Hollywood and Broadway. Andrew's compositions have been performed by the Philharmonia Orchestra, Britten Sinfonia, Royal Scottish National Orchestra, and Malaysian Philharmonic. He orchestrated Paul McCartney's ballet “Ocean's Kingdom” and arranged for Quincy Jones and London Symphony Orchestra. His work for screen includes orchestrating for the films “Beyond The Sea” and “Sing,” musical tribute “Sinatra 100,” and for “Mr Bean: The Animated Series.” He received his first Broadway credit with the musical “An American in Paris.”

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