Amy May Ellis
Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicitàCantautrice che ha fatto da spalla a Michael Chapman e Willy Mason
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Cosa c'è dietro la musica
Singer-songwriter Amy May Ellis grew up in the middle of the North Yorkshire Moors and her music and voice continue to be infused with that majestic peace and beauty. Her personal quirk adds even more flavour to the mix and she has guested for artists including Michael Chapman, Hiss Golden Messenger, and Tiny Ruins. Sylva unites the aforementioned musical talents of Amy with Bristol native songwriter-producer Will Cookson, crafting an elevated, emotion-tinged sound. Their union can expertly shift from raw, foot-stomping folk with driving guitar and drums to flights of fun and soft lullaby-like whimsy. Charming vocals delivered, in turn, by the pair lift the lyrical poetry to a pleasurable and instantly endearing experience.
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