Alexandra Harwood

Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicità

Alexandra Harwood is a BAFTA Cymru award-winning composer.

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Alexandra Harwood is a BAFTA Cymru award-winning composer whose films have screened worldwide. Her recent scores include The Jim Henson Company’s short film Tall Poppy, seasons 1-5 of All Creatures Great and Small, Mike Newell’s feature film The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, the ballet Geisha for Northern Ballet and the BBC 2 documentary series Thatcher: A Very British Revolution and Blair & Brown: The New Labour Revolution.

Recent scores include Mike Newell’s film The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society and the BBC 2 series Thatcher: A Very British Revolution and Blair & Brown: The New Labour Revolution.
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