Aidan Hogg

Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicità

Produttore/autore residente a Brisbane che tra ispirazione dal cantautorato indie-pop

Cosa c'è dietro la musica

Having trained under LA-based producer Miro Mackie (St Vincent, Cold War Kids) to become house engineer at John Steel Singers-owned studio The Plutonium, producer and singer-songwriter Aidan Hogg has a slew of credits under his belt. He’s worked with Brisbane legends Robert Foster (of The Go-Betweens, Jeremy Neale, WAAX and others). Aidan has a strong ear for indie/pop songwriting, and is also one half of duo Landings. He has recently released a solo project, Dreaming.

As half of the band Landings, Aidan puts his mastery as a producer and songwriter into practice
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