Prototype: Natural Selection
Esplora le ombre con questo agghiacciante mix di toni sintetici brutali e sound design distintivo. Texture grezze e organiche guidate da batterie infuocate.
DiasporaSteffan Koch Wilderness HowlKevin Rix She DevilSergiu Muresan Nothing To SeeStuart Roslyn | Matthew Foundling KishiSteffan Koch Malignant IncursionKevin Rix Radioactive DisintegrationGreg Townley WiddershinsSergiu Muresan A Solution For OverpopulationSteffan Koch The ScavengersKevin Rix CogitorSteffan Koch NecromancerKevin Rix VerbotenSergiu Muresan Across the Seventh BridgeGreg Townley The Enemy of My EnemyKevin Rix They Are WatchingSergiu Muresan Hostility ParadoxSteffan Koch Lycan PensSergiu Muresan Impact SpatterKevin Rix Mass CasualtiesKevin Rix
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