Even Poets Go to War
Armed with strings and bows, brass and steel, the drums of war ignite courage in spite of fear. Meanwhile, a heavenly voice inspires hope in the face of adversity.
Prologue: The Way of LegendsPaul Dinletir Pledge of HonorPaul Dinletir The Wolf, the King and the SnakePaul Dinletir The Journey HomePaul Dinletir Even Poets Go to WarPaul Dinletir Passing the TorchPaul Dinletir The Break of DawnPaul Dinletir Carry the WorldPaul Dinletir Convergence of All ThingsPaul Dinletir On the Shoulders of GiantsPaul Dinletir Souls Never DiePaul Dinletir EpiloguePaul Dinletir
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