Mark Bousie

Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicità

Mark Bousie is a musician, composer and conductor with more than 20 years of theatre experience.

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Mark Bousie is a London-based musician, composer and conductor. Having studied at the Royal Academy of Music, where he is an Associate, Mark has worked in theatre for over 20 years. Previous roles include Music Director for the National Theatre, RSC and Shakespeare's Globe, and conductor of many West End musicals, including Les Misérables, Miss Saigon, Crazy For You, Betty Blue Eyes, Oliver!, Carousel and Evita. As a pianist, Mark recorded Stephen Warbeck’s original scores for All Of Us (National Theatre), Old Times (Harold Pinter Theatre) and Uncle Vanya (Vaudeville). As an accordionist, he has performed with the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, BBC Concert Orchestra, The Joby Talbot Band, Budapest Cafe Orchestra, London Concertante and Rambert, and works regularly as a studio musician contributing to film, TV and video game soundtracks.

Previous roles include Music Director for the National Theatre, RSC and Shakespeare's Globe, and conductor of West End musicals including Les Misérables, Miss Saigon, Oliver!, Carousel and Evita.
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