Jerome Leroy

Musica per cinema, TV e pubblicità

Composer, orchestrator, and producer originally from Paris.

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Originally from Paris, composer, orchestrator, and producer Jérôme Leroy writes and produces for film, television, and video games. Jérôme started studying piano at the age of five and was composing by his early teens. He attended the Berklee College of Music and, while there, founded its first student-run classical orchestra. After graduation, he moved to Los Angeles where he would work with, and learn from many established composers. As a score producer and orchestrator, he has more than forty film credits and he has written music for films including “The Housemaid,” “Killers Within,” “A Better Place,” “A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas,” “Touchback,” and “50 to 1” as well as the Oprah Winfrey Network docuseries “Operation Change.”

He moved to Los Angeles where he would work with, and learn from, William Ross and Alan Silvestri. As a score producer and orchestrator, he has more than forty film credits.
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